Have you ever wondered what will you be doing in maybe 10 years time. Well, I did.. and I always end up changing. That's not bad after all! :) It is good to stay open for all categories and paths in life.. you know - New Experiences -New Beginnings -New Talents :)
In my case I am planning to continue on sciences but most of the time I always end up thinking that I am not good enough.. or maybe that I will FAIL.. But well If you really want to achieve something, you have to fight the battle FIRST ;)
In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.
~Nikos Kazantzakis~
After all if you are still really indecisive on which path will you choose or continue, my advice to you is try to see what exactly you like and don't get influenced by others.. just see what you really like to do, and something that gives you fulfillment. Well, I guess the secret is motivation and to live day bye day ;) and Enjoy every second of it!

Well Enjoy life Guys! We only Life once, so Let's do it right!
Keep smiling
Nicole xx
Ps. If you would like to send me your back-up plan, I would love to see what ideas you've got! :) and maybe also If you need any advice from a teenager itself.. ( not that I am professional or something) But I am here for you!